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Life at Sea

Our little boat vs the big boy boat!

Ok, time to depart.

The OOCL Singapore 1,100' long, 200' tall, 141,000 tons
and will hold 6,500 40' containers

This was a common sight in the evenings.


  Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres before a later dinner.
(Another composite photo. Karen took one and I took one.)

Eric & Karen ready for dinner.

Me & Jo3 always ready for dinner.

Our 8-party dinner group
  Jeanette & I are on the left, then Tony & Brenda,
Albert & Marnie and Eric & Karen on the left

Getting ready for our formal evening dinner.
(This is as good as I get!)

Our concierge was a young lady from Germany.
She did a great job making sure we were well cared for.

Albert & Marnie are from Canada.
They were the most adventurous among us.

Tony & Brenda. Originally from England, now in Reno.

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