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Hong Kong 2/3/2016

This is typical of much of Hong Kong. Apartments above, retail below.

Rost duck anyone?

These are everywhere! The stores are small and scattered everywhere.
With limited refridgeration and transportation, people shop for food daily.

A fun ride on the bay, but it was unseasonably cool.

It was not part of our plan, but we arrived an the beginning of Chinese New Year.
They really get into the decorating and festivities. Seven consecutive days off work.

There is no lack of money in Hong Kong!

On an evening excursion, we were escorted to a very nice
restaurant, through several hundred yards of fish markets.

The food was served via a Lazy Susan, replenished frequently.

Our servers. No common language except smiles. They were fun.

We took a train op the hill to get this shot of the city.

Yep, it was cold.

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