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DaNang Vietnam 2/6/2016

A very scary cab ride, but we did have Buddha watching over us!

Never seen so much Jade!
Beautiful carvings, but most would not fit the suitcase!

Flowers everywhere. They are still celebrating Chinese New year though.
Note the billboard in the upper left!

A typical street market.
It was unseasonably cold even for February, as you can tell from the dress.

Their version of a food court.
Not so sure it would have an "A" rating here though.

This fake money is burned in ceremonies to honor their dead.
As I was trying to take a picture, the vendor tried to hide the $100US.

These are silk worm cocoons.

This lady is making a silk "painting" one silk thread at a time.
Some of these pieces can take a month or more to complete.
(The last picture on the next page shows a completed painting)

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