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Georgetown Mylasia 2/18/2016

In Georgetown, as in many other places we visited,
property is taxed by the width of their property measured
at the street. To get around this they build log narrow
structures, or in this case Jettys. They have a narrow
street footprint and build multiple homes over the water.

The homes are very nice.

Another beautiful temple.

Elephants are considered good luck in Malaysia.
White elephants bring even better luck.

One must not wear their shoes into a temple.
It evidently creates another problem.

A "Resting Buddha". (This is a 3 picture panorama
thanks to Windows Live Photo Gallery)

Monkeys are as common in Malaysia as deer are here.
Deer are elusive, monkeys are not.

A wonderful tropical park we were fortunate enough to tour.

We need more humor in our signage!

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