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Yangoon Myanmar (Berma) 2/21-2/23/2016

We were treated to a very nice dinner and

show in the middle of Yangoon


The food and show were very nice.

We saw several small villages like this as we left Yangoon.

Although the people are poor,
these shrines are an integral part of their culture.

This ship is probably not there now. They were dismantling
 it for scrap. The pile in the right foreground is shredded
 cars, while the lighter colored pile in the center
background is cars waiting to be shredded.

As a side note, the poverty here was much worse than
we experienced anywhere on the tour. During the two
and a half hour bus ride into Yangoon we were stopped
three times to pay a toll. People are allowed to work only
6 months at a time, so others can have a job. As we left
port, we were delayed over 2 hours as the captain
negotiated an exit fee.

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